
Saturday, August 13, 2022


“Farming is a profession of hope” ― Brian Brett

Mr. The Mister and I are starting the Summer wind down in the garden. There will still be some very hot days in the next month or so, but the nights have started getting cooler. When the Sun pops over the trees, the yard becomes a field of diamonds. That means there’s still time to harvest quite a bit of food…but not as much as there was a week or so ago.

While sitting on the porch we discussed all the things we have to do so the garden can get ready for its Winter’s sleep. Herbs that did well need a place to keep growing, wood needs to be moved, dirt needs to get mixed for cooler weather growth, and so on.

Along with that, it’s time for me to start some creative projects for our shop, upcoming craft fairs, and the Yuletide holidays. I have called the first day of Autumn the “yarn gateway” for the past few years, as it’s truly a time of year where all the fiber items come out of their storage areas. Well, honestly, it’s more like I remember where they are after I brought them home from a sale.

The big thing, though, was that we had hope. Even if everything seems wacky right now, our hearts are full of gratitude for the simple life we live. Neither of us would change a thing.

What still gives you hope? Is there something that you’re grateful for right now?

All love,

Friday, August 12, 2022

Life on a mini-farm


“Isn't this the purpose of education, to learn the nature of your own gifts and how to use them for good in the world?” ― Robin Wall Kimmerer


It's a beautiful day outside, and I should be weeding our little garden, as well as harvesting some of the wild plants growing in our forage area. However, as is the nature of life in the modern gardening/business owner world, I gotta sit at my desk and work on some office things.

However I did finish packaging up some herbs, and dropped them off at Proctor Lane Patch & Parlor Homestead for the mini-market they have each weekend. (FYI - this is a local market, and I am not able to ship herbs/spice mixes) So, in some way, I was doing some garden work.

After some time off from social media, I realized that it's maybe not the place for me. Or, better stated, I just don't have time for it. It takes more work to constantly monitor everything, reply to comments, and so on. Since we don't have a full time media manager, it's just not practical for me to keep trying to get my information moved up the algorithm chain. Shoo!

Over the next few days we will be adding more information, as well as were to purchase our goodies locally. Make sure to book mark this page, and come back to see all the wonderful stuff we are doing!

All the best,


“Farming is a profession of hope” ― Brian Brett                                                         Mr. The Mister and I are starting t...